french is beautiful



“God invented the Parisian so that foreigners wouldn’t know what to make of the French.”

Alexandre Dumas


As you may have noticed, we’re headed to Paris as a family! I couldn’t be more giddy about it. The anticipation of introducing my children to the city (and country) I love so much has me completely blissed out. Of course, I also went into panic mode – I had hoped to be further long with my French studies before returning. While my journey to fluency is well underway (thanks to French is Beautiful Level One), my everyday, operational French needs some polishing. Which brings me to an exciting announcement – Carrie Anne James has designed a course specifically for traveling, called French for Paris! She so sweetly included my input in the planning of the course, and I’m eager to help spread the word.

Launching in April (the 4th to be exact), the efficient course covers the most crucial topics for a traveler, and teaches you how to improvise, not imitate. There have been quite a few instances where I either didn’t get a response I was expecting, or I froze in fear…I’m hoping to avoid that this time around. From mastering the Métro to bargain shopping, the focus is on feeling confident in everyday situations. Right now you can pre-order the class, and the first ten signups will receive a one hour private Skype session! I might have had something to do with the  “traveling with kids” bonus session (wink).


* french is beautiful is a regular series – browse the archives here *

*tutoring c/o French is Beautiful…no compensation is received + as always, these opinions are my own*

pottery barn kids + handmade charlotte event



Just in case you missed my previous post…I’m hosting a FREE crafting event this Saturday at my local Pottery Barn Kids store to celebrate the launch of the Handmade Charlotte DIY kits! Bring your littles (Henry + Marie will be there with me), and let’s make this a party! This is a free event, but you do need to reserve a spot, so be sure to call the store and let us know to expect you. There are two sessions to choose from…and don’t worry – if you’re not in the Philadelphia area, this event is happening nationwide! Be sure to check the store listings to find one near you. Happy crafting everyone!

handmade charlotte + pottery barn kids event

pottery barn kids – king of prussia

march 7, 11-11:30 AM + 11:30-12 

space is limited – RSVP by calling the store

french is beautiful



“One must not always think that feeling is everything. Art is nothing without form.”

Gustave Flaubert

It’s hard to believe, but I’m already halfway through my French is Beautiful Level One course! I can honestly say that my French has already improved, and I look forward to each lesson. Studying French doesn’t feel like work to me, except maybe when it comes to verb conjugations, putain. I highly doubt that anyone could find that enjoyable. Getting back to the subject at hand – my most recent lesson had a focus on form. The French language has a certain formality to it, which is of course, echoed throughout the culture. It is crucial to know the rules, etiquette, and proper form before taking liberties. For instance, the imparfait verb form is more of a feeling, and looser than the tighter, more finite, passé composé. I’m doing my best to understand when to use each verb tense, and it’s becoming less intimidating thanks to my tutor, Carrie Anne James. Although, when I get stuck, this magical phrase buys me some time to figure it out.

** french is beautiful is a regular series – browse the archives here **

french is beautiful



“A walk about Paris will provide lessons in history, beauty, and in the point of Life.”

 Thomas Jefferson


The French language is constructed around beauty, much like the country’s landscapes and architecture.  When speaking the language, it helps to remember that fact – yet another priceless tidbit from my tutor, Carrie Anne James. When doubting your pronunciation, think about what would sound the most beautiful, and you’re most likely right. One of the most crucial aspects in speaking is the “liaison” – how the words connect and blend together, creating a fluid sound. For example, the letter s in the word les is generally silent, but when combined with the word amis, it is pronounced with the “z” sound, connecting the two words…les amis. It is what makes French so enticing, and dare I say, so sexy. Even the way it’s spoken adds to the allure…you use mostly the front of your mouth, and at a low volume. Vowels at the end of words are meant to be lingered upon, and enjoyed…mini-syllables, if you will. Take the word femme…that little, innocent looking e on the end should be emphasized and savored. For me, pronunciation is paramount, and I squeal with delight when my words melt together like taffy. These details are not to be missed…after all, it is where much of the beauty lies.

** french is beautiful is a regular series – browse the archives here **

french is beautiful



“Perfection is achieved, not when there is nothing more to add, but when there is nothing left to take away.”

Antoine de Saint-Exupéry


One of my biggest hurdles in my French-speaking journey has been my perfectionism. In my mind, if I can’t say something perfectly, then I shouldn’t say it all. Thankfully, one of the very first things Carrie Anne James addresses in her lessons is our fear dialogue, and how it affects our fluency. We have to let go of the fear of judgement, and just speak. Focus on the words, and lean into it. The proper accent will come when you’re ready for it. Not to mention, the French find American accents adorable (think Jean Seberg in Breathless). Consistency is key – find ways to surround yourself with the language. Whether it’s film, music, literature, or the most adorable French child telling a captivating story, do what you enjoy most. The more exposure you have to the language, the more time your brain has to absorb the rhythm and syntax, allowing you to imitate the sound. Your imitation won’t be perfect at first…but fake it until you make it! While many would argue there is no such thing as perfection…my endless hunger for it helps propel me forward (in all aspects of my life). I’m just so thankful to have a teacher that keeps me grounded in reality.

** french is beautiful is a regular series – browse the archives here **