paris is “buzzing”…





I am positively "buzzing" over this fun new fact I discovered. My apologies for the cheesy pun, I couldn't resist. Did you know that one of the most expensive (and sought after) honeys in the world is produced on the rooftop of the Paris Opera?! Beekeeper Jean Paucton, pictured above, set up hives twenty years ago when he was working there as a prop man. He eventually started selling his honey at Fauchon, and the rest is history. I happen to "bee" (again, sorry) a huge honey connoisseur, so I hope to get my hands on some of this next time I am there! Fauchon is always a delightful experience, with or without honey.

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la madeleine


Prominently situated in the 8th arrondissement of Paris, L’église de la Madeleine (or simply, la Madeleine) has always fascinated me. So, I just had to do some research…maybe you are curious too? It is a Catholic church, but was originally intended to be a temple celebrating the glory of Napoleon’s army. After the fall of his empire, King Louis XVIII declared that the structure be a church, dedicated to Mary Magdalene. I have never been inside, but have always admired it for it’s architectural beauty.


packing for paris



I’ve always been a nutcase planner…and it should come as no surprise to those who know me that I’m already starting to plot (for my February trip) what I’ll be taking to France. Part of this need to plan is due to the fact that I will be traveling to Europe for the first time by myself, and taking only a carry-on. I generally do not travel that lightly, so this is a challenge…a fun one, that I am grateful to have! So here is my list thus far, and these are also my recommendations for anyone traveling abroad in the winter months. Here’s to packing light, I hope I can do it! Extra space will go to Ladurée macarons, bien sur. Yeah, maybe I should plan to check luggage after all. 


1…        black cashmere sweater-classic, warm, cozy, can be layered if needed

2…        searching for the perfect fit & flare winter coat (will be most seen item in photos)

3…        grey sweater, for layering with jeans or leggings-a great neutral that is not black

4…        the must-have scarf…seriously, don’t go anywhere in france without one

5…        my new kelly moore camera bag, which I chose specifically for travel

6…        leather (lined) gloves…it will be february, and very cold

7…        two pairs of dark jeans, can be dressed up or down & worn with boots

8…        tall *flat* leather boots-stylish and  great for walking (especially on cobble)

9…        fuzzy earmuffs…an essential for me in the winter…it will allow for more outdoor time

10…       the LBD…I don’t go anywhere without one


see the updated packing for paris post 

ladurée in nyc!





I am bursting with excitement over the opening of the New York Ladurée!! Admittedly I have mixed feelings, as it is an *event* for me whenever I'm in Paris, but this does mean I don't have to carry an extra suitcase for their transport back. I'm only half joking. I had planned on being there to report back every delectable detail to you, but this eye candy with have to suffice. As many of you know, I have a bit of an obsession with "les macarons". Not just any macarons…Ladurée specifically. In case you missed my many rantings on the subject…here they are again for your viewing pleasure.

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la fontaine gaillon…





In researching new and exciting places to dine in Paris, I remembered one of the best meals I've ever had, at La Fontaine Gaillon. Situated in the 2nd arrondissement, the location is idyllic, in la Place Gaillon. The owner, whom you may know of (wink), takes great care in selecting the menu, and it changes frequently to accomodate the best possible fare, and focuses on classic cuisine. I was with my Mom, and we were delighted with the food, and we thought the prices were very reasonable for such an elegant experience. I was impressed with their wine list, which focused on small, locally owned vineyards. Across the way is their second restaurant…L'ecaille de la Fontaine, which is more intimate and feels like you are just hanging out with Gérard. Ah yes, the owner I mentioned would be Gérard Depardieu.