I just had to share this stunning video, which I discovered thanks to my parisian friends Lindsey + Carin. I teared up watching…a testament of my sincere love for the city. I miss it so. Enjoy…bon weekend!
During our last trip to Paris, we visited a few baby boutiques, knowing we would be growing our family soon therafter (although not yet expecting). Had I known twins were in the cards for us, I would have bought two of everything (maybe not at Bonpoint, but anyhoo). While there were many stores we did not have time for, we brought home a few items that we cherish and our babies now love. Here are a few of my favorite baby/kids shops in Paris, and a few links to explore if you’re into it…bon weekend!
au nain bleu… upscale children’s toys since 1836
bonpoint… stunning (and expensive) clothing, kid friendly cafe
bonton… a concept store with high quality clothing & toys
jacadi… reasonably priced linens, clothing, and toys
petit bateau… great french basics
As usual, my thoughts are permeated with Paris. The annual La Nuit Blanche is this weekend in Paris…the entire city is filled with art installations, late night museum hours, and performances. Since I cannot be there, I live vicariously through my francophile friends…bon weekend!