paris je t’aime



You may have noticed my francophilia has been on hiatus (here) lately, and that’s about to change. Early next year, I will be returning to my beloved France…my flights are booked!! I cannot wait to visit my brother and family, spend time with friends, and have exciting new experiences in my favorite city. After much deliberation, mr. fleurishing and I decided it wasn’t yet time to bring the children (see this post) …that day will come. For now, I am more than grateful for his encouragement to go, as much as I wish we could all travel together. Until I have fresh francophile content to share, you can get your fix in my archives here + here. I’m just so ridiculously giddy…let the planning begin!

paris with children



I’ve been thinking a lot about Paris lately (nothing new)…but traveling there with children especially. After much research and debate, we have decided to wait until Henry + Marie are older (4+ ?) to introduce them to it. As someone who is very familiar with the city (I know it better than Philly or NYC), I will be more focused on their experience. I want them to have developed a basic understanding of the globe and travel in general, and hopefully their francophilia will have started to develop (they are MY children after all). I know this may be wishful thinking, but their book of choice currently happens to be “Everybody Bonjours…just saying. When we do finally arrive with “les jumeaux”, we will surely be lingering around Berthillon if we find ourselves there in warmer temps! Best. Ice cream. Ever.

While there are many kid-friendly places, Paris is intimidating to travelers with young children. There are countless pros and cons to be weighed when contemplating such a challenging adventure, and obviously what works for some may not for others. For instance, with twins, we live and die by our schedule. Add jet lag and an unfamiliar environment and it could spell disaster for us. On the other hand, as my friend Anne recently mentioned, the constraints of Paris could possibly work in our favor. My friends with one child do not seem as concerned with keeping a tight schedule (which I often envy), and they (and their children) might have a much easier time adapting when traveling. My personal opinion is that traveling there with a toddler (ages 0-3) is very ambitious. However, in the event you are considering traveling to Paris with children, I wanted to share what I’ve read, as it has played a major role in our decision making process. I would love to hear your thoughts on the subject, and any tips or advice you may have. Bon weekend à tous!


paris travelogue…hither + thither

kid friendly paris…haven in paris

city terrible for ‘les enfants’ article

paris with kids…classic play

what to do (and not) in paris with children

“paris with children” book + interview

travel guide: paris for kids via ny times

tour de france bébés



You didn’t think I was going to miss an opportunity to include my babies in a Tour de France post, did you?! I’ve documented my obsession with the sport many times (one / two / three), but now I have mini enthusiasts in the making! This year is extra special…and not just because of Marie + Henry. It is the 100th year of the Tour, with many extraordinary stages, including a final one beginning at Versailles (cue the breathtaking aerial shots). I’ll be honest-I’ve missed a lot of it this year (due to my two beautiful distractions), but I intend to watch the finale on Sunday! Vive le tour!

Now if we could just get women invited to the race…what are your thoughts? Are you a fan of the sport?

missing paris


I am missing Paris something fierce. France in general, actually…it is calling me. I want to be lounging in those green chairs, fresh baguette in hand, people watching in the Tuileries…right now. I try to get there at least every three years, to see my brother and family, and to get my francophile fix. The good news is that a trip next spring is in the works…YES! The bad news? Well, that seems like a very long time from now at the moment (although I am so grateful for the opportunity, whenever it happens). In the meantime, I am busy planning Marie + Henry’s birthday bash, which happens to fall on…Bastille Day! Oh yes-what used to be my annual event has turned into our babies birthday-how perfect is that?! To be clear, they were born on July 13th, but after 6 PM…it was Bastille Day in France! More on that soon…but if you’re in need of a “fix” like I am, find a quiet moment and visit my archives, and link through to my favorite francophiles here.

the paris journal


The Paris Journal is the latest sensational project from the talented duo Nichole + Evan Robertson, aka Obvious State. A visually stunning photographic journey through the city of light, the first volume takes you through Montmartre, from morning to night. It feels as if you are there, and images delightfully come to life! It’s a dream for any francophile, especially a diehard one like me. You can download the free preview HERE. I’m wiping the drool off my iPad, and cannot wait for volume two-well done guys!

 image courtesy of obvious state