I’ve been thinking a lot about Paris lately (nothing new)…but traveling there with children especially. After much research and debate, we have decided to wait until Henry + Marie are older (4+ ?) to introduce them to it. As someone who is very familiar with the city (I know it better than Philly or NYC), I will be more focused on their experience. I want them to have developed a basic understanding of the globe and travel in general, and hopefully their francophilia will have started to develop (they are MY children after all). I know this may be wishful thinking, but their book of choice currently happens to be “Everybody Bonjours“…just saying. When we do finally arrive with “les jumeaux”, we will surely be lingering around Berthillon if we find ourselves there in warmer temps! Best. Ice cream. Ever.
While there are many kid-friendly places, Paris is intimidating to travelers with young children. There are countless pros and cons to be weighed when contemplating such a challenging adventure, and obviously what works for some may not for others. For instance, with twins, we live and die by our schedule. Add jet lag and an unfamiliar environment and it could spell disaster for us. On the other hand, as my friend Anne recently mentioned, the constraints of Paris could possibly work in our favor. My friends with one child do not seem as concerned with keeping a tight schedule (which I often envy), and they (and their children) might have a much easier time adapting when traveling. My personal opinion is that traveling there with a toddler (ages 0-3) is very ambitious. However, in the event you are considering traveling to Paris with children, I wanted to share what I’ve read, as it has played a major role in our decision making process. I would love to hear your thoughts on the subject, and any tips or advice you may have. Bon weekend à tous!
paris travelogue…hither + thither
kid friendly paris…haven in paris
city terrible for ‘les enfants’ article
paris with kids…classic play
what to do (and not) in paris with children
“paris with children” book + interview
travel guide: paris for kids via ny times