

 “A portrait of my children, once a week, every week, in 2014.”

When you have multiples, you find yourself wishing certain activities would be easier, or even possible (i.e. storytime, mommy and me, quick errands). The kids are finally at an age now where we’re able to go on more outings, and participate as a family…it feels good. Like taking them to Trader Joe’s for the first time, and allowing them to push their own pint size carts. There’s a simple joy in that, and it made us all smile from ear to ear. They loved it, and therefore, so did we.

post inspiration





 “A portrait of my children, once a week, every week, in 2014.”

This weekend was dedicated to the kids, and since spring was trying to show her face we headed to the park. They were both giddy to be there, and Henry has developed a slide obsession…it provided much entertainment for all who were there to witness it. Their joy is contagious–isn’t it the best feeling as a parent when your children are so happy?! My mommy guilt is still very present (I missed 10/52), but thanks to FaceTime I felt close to them while I was gone…they knew I was ok and was missing them greatly (and mr. fleurishing is a rockstar). It feels so good to be back home, where my heart is.

post inspiration




 “A portrait of my children, once a week, every week, in 2014.”

Even though the nineteen month mark has come and gone, our weeks are still full of newness. New words, new expressions, new sounds…each and every one delight us. They love to display their independence, and have become laser focused on learning, each in their own way. I’m in awe of them daily, and have a hunch the feeling will stick around.

post inspiration

 **henry and marie are modeling circle scarves c/o little hip squeaks**