in the wake



In the wake of the horrific tragedy at Sandy Hook Elementary, I feel compelled to share my thoughts and feelings. My heart is broken for the families that lost a loved one, and as a parent, I feel sick to my stomach. Like so many, I feel that now is the time to begin a broader dialogue about mental illness and gun control. I want to embrace the anger and sadness I feel and channel it into action. I have been inspired by the words of my friend Kayla, and Liza Long, to name a few, and feel that speaking out in this public forum is a start. In my opinion, even with gun control reform, there will always be ways to obtain a weapon. I feel we need to address the root cause first and foremost, and provide more comprehensive care for those in need of psychological help. Prevention, in many cases (not all), is possible.

Mental illness is a disease, and like any other, needs treatment. I speak from personal experience-anxiety, depression and bi-polar disorder run in my family. We’re lucky-we can afford therapy and medication, and have great health benefits. There are so many who suffer from much more serious, debilitating conditions that either don’t have access to help or somehow get overlooked by society. All too often, without proper treatment, people fall victim to their own minds. By no means am I insinuating that anyone suffering from a mental illness or disorder would commit such a heinous crime-obviously there are almost always other factors. This is an extremely complex conversation…my goal is to simply add my voice. If there ever was a time to delve deeper into this issue, it is now.

Will you join me and share your thoughts?


image via the new york times

proud of my country!



Such happy news this morning-America made the right choice! Our country will continue on it’s path forward. I’m proud that our children were born during Obama’s presidency, and feel confident for what the future holds for them. On a sidenote-I’m aware of the improper symbolism of an elephant here, but alas, I don’t have a brass donkey. Elephants represent strength and wisdom, which is what this presidency is all about, in my opinion. Cheers to another four years!!

**check out the antiquated reasoning behind the elephant/donkey symbolism**

bonne fête nationale!



Bastille Day is upon us, which I observe in honor of my French heritage and love for the country! I’m sure most of you that read my blog are aware of the history of this day, but just in case…here’s a brief synopsis. This is the second year I have not hosted a big Bastille bash, and it will have to wait another year considering my current state. I have a not so secret wish our children will be born this Saturday on the French holiday…who knows…c’est possible! 

Bonne Fête Nationale, et Vive la France! 

white star line…





Today marks the 100th anniversary of the sinking of the Titanic. I have an odd obsession with the trajedy, which began at a young age. I've always been intrigued by the circumstances and science surrounding it, but mostly…the people. Stories of despair, of triumph…to be faced with such a fate is beyond my comprehension. There are so many human lessons to be learned from that tragic event. So, a moment of reverence here…in honor of all those that lost their lives so bravely. 

image via reuters/Brendan McDermid