l’orangerie lilies




Every time I've been in Paris the l'Orangerie museum has been under construction, and I can't even explain my excitement that it was finally open on our recent trip! I grew up loving Monet's art and learning about his life, thanks to my mother. I've devoured pretty much any and all places that house his works, and this was at the top of my must-see list. I was worried that all the build-up to this event would outshine the actual experience, but thankfully, it did not disappoint. They are truly awe-inspiring…I could have sat on the benches and stared ALL day.





Hello, my name is Susan, and I'm addicted to macaroons. Not just ANY macaroons…Ladurée specifically. The talents of Pierre Hermé have not swayed me from my longstanding obsession. It is usually the first stop when arriving in Paris, and the last! This past trip, my goal was to visit every Ladurée location in the city, and we did it! I managed to bring back about a dozen on the plane, and nearly cried as I bit into the last one back home. The classics are mon préféré…especially vanille. Do you have a favorite macaroon flavor, and what are your thoughts on Ladurée vs. Hermé? There have been heated debates about this people…seriously!

shakespeare & co





I was excited to finally get to Shakespeare & Company, which had long been on my Paris list. Well known to bibliophiles around the globe, it is tucked into a cute little corner near Notre Dame. It has quite an interesting history, and was frequented by many of the literary greats. Hemingway could be found there often, and even mentions the store in his iconic book, A Moveable Feast. My goal was to buy a few classics, and get the famous stamp at checkout (don't forget to ask for it). It makes such a unique keepsake or gift for the francophile friend!