on holiday


I’m just popping in to let you know I’m taking the week to spend quality time with family + work on some special projects. I’m sure many of you are doing the same this holiday week…may your days be filled with family, food + fun!


father’s day at the farm


What do you do on a beautifully mild weathered summer day in PA? You head to the local farm, of course! Toddler paradise (aka Springton Manor) is rich with animals and learning moments, in a picture perfect setting. I could have spent all day there with my camera, but thankfully, the kids indulged my lens and we got some great shots in a short span of time. Seeing the kids faces light up over the animals is priceless, and made for a very happy Father’s Day morning.




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happy mother’s day



Mothers are special, which I understand now more than ever. My mom set the bar high–I can only hope to do the same for my daughter. I am most certain that Marie will become a mother someday…the force is strong with this one. We gave her a baby doll for Christmas and not only has it not left her side since then, but she commandeered Henry’s baby doll as well so she could have boy/girl twins (just like mommy). When she wakes up in the morning, she feeds both her babies a fake bottle of milk, alternating the bottle from mouth to mouth. It is truly touching to witness, as it’s not something that has been taught or coached…she is simply mimicking me, and following her instincts. Becoming a mother has been my greatest joy in life–I hope she gets to have the experience, and the happiness that comes along with it.

wishing my fellow moms (of both two + four legged babies) the happiest mother’s day