bon weekend


Oh yeah, it’s time for mums! I’m so happy this time of year-it’s a fact. The leaves turning, the scent of wood-burning fires, and yes ok the pumpkin space latte… all set my heart aflutter. I was born in the fall (my birthday is around the corner), and I’ve always wondered if that plays into my love for autumn. Does your favorite season also coincide with your birth month? I have a magazine photo shoot today (eeek, can’t wait to share), and then we’ll be out enjoying the beautiful weather this weekend. Here are some links for your enjoyment…my favorites from the week. Three cheers for fall!


inspiration RX

fear of missing out

sweet treats for your pup

my collection of paleo recipes

have you checked out clementine daily yet?

bon weekend




Hello Friday! What a week, whew…I’m exhausted and elated all at once. It’s been a good week for business-a home feature, an award, and a party feature by my sweet friend Lindsey…check it out! The weekend should be pretty relaxed for us, and with the fall shaping up to be super busy we need all the down time we can get. I spotted this vintage tandem Schwinn the other day at a shop I frequent and came *this* close to buying it. My grandfather had one and it brings back such fond memories…plus it’s the “De Luxe Twinn” model!! Some links for you…


early fall etsy finds

a very happy work space

get lost in the best of pinterest

the paris journal-part two is live!

bon weekend



We had such a magical experience in our city last night! I’ll be sharing more next week, but if you haven’t yet heard of Dîner en Blanc you simply must familiarize yourself.  In the meantime, here are some links for your weekend reading…we’re headed to the beach and I couldn’t be more excited to see the ocean (it’s been too long), and to get the babies covered in sand. Wishing you all a wonderful weekend…soak up all that is left of summer!


loving this album

favorite netflix documentaries-part one + two

fall bobo choses…drool.

ten reasons toddlers are better than babies

this bike…obsessed.

bon weekend



I have an exciting weekend ahead…many firsts for me! My first time away from the babies overnight, first bachelorette party (crazy I know), and first time sailing (can’t wait)! Mr. Fleurishing will be holding down the fort while I have a fun filled girls weekend-he is so amazing…I’m one lucky lady.  I’m off to Maryland shortly, but before I leave you for the weekend I wanted to share some of my favorite links for your weekend reading. Perhaps on a beach?


indulging my wallpaper obsession

handmade mini goodness

blog friend’s new photography website

countdown to fall

 (gorgeous floral by my friend sullivan owen for blogshop)