bon weekend



This week has been more eventful than expected…hence the lack of posts (sorry). I’m a bit buried with work, but work that I love…and some very exciting projects that I can’t wait to share with you! I’m keeping things brief today, but here are some of my favorite links from the week, including my debut over on Little Hip Squeaks! Wishing you all a lovely weekend. xo


currently coveting

great biz advice from chairish

for coffee connaisseurs-new blog love

a discussion about image via garance doré

bon weekend



You guys, this is what my desk looks like while planning for Paris. Ha…honestly it’s not that much of a stretch. Thank goodness for evernote, pinterest, and google maps. Most of my travel inspiration resides in the digital world now, although I do still (and will always) reference my collection of magazines and books. Even though I’ve explored much of the city over the years, my wish list for this trip is very long…and I’ll forever be discovering it. I’m so grateful for the connections I’ve made via social media, and the amazing blogs I’ve discovered, rich with travel inspiration. So, this weekend I’m leaving you with some links to inspire your francophile adventures…and you can check out my full list of favorites here.


prêt à voyager

haven in paris blog

de quelle planète es-tu

obvious state + the paris journal

lost in cheeseland + her AFAR Paris guide

bon weekend



What an exhilarating and exhausting week it’s been…I’m still catching my breath after a fun + festive photo shoot on Wednesday! Our halls are fully decked and the kids ooh and ahh over the tree lights every morning and night…it’s the sweetest. I was tempted to leave the ornaments off -the tree is so beautiful in it’s simplicity. It’s been freakishly warm this week, which is both a good and bad thing…I’m ready for snow. Bring it on Pennsylvania, bring it on….fingers crossed for a white christmas! I’m a bit behind on my reading this week, but here are a few links for your weekend enjoyment…

bon weekend



Doesn’t this face make you smile?! He used to live in Paris, but he seemed a bit lonely so we brought him home with us, long before Marie + Henry arrived. Thankfully they are quite fond of him!  We are packed and ready for a special road trip…believe it or not, they will be meeting their nana + poppy (mr. fleurishing’s parents) for the first time. It’s been way too long, but a series of unfortunate events (and many miles) have kept us from visiting them. We are incredibly excited about it (and also a tad anxious for our first major road trip with the kids)! I’ll be back here next week, but in the meantime feel free to follow our adventures on instagram! Here are some of my favorite links for your enjoyment…

bon weekend



This week got away from me…in all honesty I was struggling with my fibromyalgia-the fog was more intense than usual. I’m not looking for a pity party, just keeping it real here. By the time I got through the day with the kids, whatever energy I had left was spent getting work done and then I would crash…which leaves no time for blogging. Thankfully, I’m feeling more clear headed today, and am ready for the weekend! Isn’t that such a charming little cottage? It’s our home!! I think it looks especially lovely in the fall (thank you Kayla)!  The autumn colors are at their peak, and we’ve all been savoring it-before we know it winter will be upon us. Here are some of my favorite links from the week for your enjoyment…


tea + treats in paris

love everything in this shop

neutral nursery lust (ours included)!

a conversation about design + education