Apparently we blinked…Marie and Henry (our Bastille Day babies) are ten! Time is accelerating at shocking speed these days – at least, it feels that way to us (the adults). I try to remind myself that it’s only a construct but I’m not sure that fact offers much comfort. We spent their birthday week visiting family down south, and stayed at a luxe home thanks to the generosity of a good friend. We barely left the house and it felt like a five star vacation. We usually try to head north this time of year and avoid the scorching temps, but it was impossible to say no to a private pool. Next week we’re hosting a birthday party with their friends at home which feels like such a treat after years of isolation (and yes, we’re still being careful). Needless to say, we’ll be taking the month of August to recover, lol. You can see more on this post, and below…

Marie and Henry have grown so much over the past year – it’s hard to summarize, but I’ll try. Marie is a sponge and goes deep when she’s learning. Poetry and performing arts are her current passions, and she loves the spotlight despite being more reserved in general (typical star, am I right?!). She knows every word to “Satisfied” from the Hamilton Musical (the whole soundtrack, really) and every time she performs it she “blows us all away”. Henry has really discovered himself, and is so knowledgeable and passionate about his hobbies. He excels at gaming and elaborate LEGO builds, but always settles down with a book before bed (in fact, they both do…proud writer mama here). New friends have been a focus for both of them lately, although they’re still basically inseparable. Two very beautiful souls in sync…happy birthday my babies.