One year ago today we took sanctuary here, and as we prepare to emerge from the woods (both literally and metaphorically), the feelings have come at me like a wrecking ball. I know I’m not alone, and while it’s easy to become fatigued by the “anniversary” posts, there’s a valid reason why there are so many. We’ve experienced a collective trauma–some much more than others. We’re among the lucky ones…we haven’t lost any family members, we have our health, financial security, and so much love. Our privilege, however, does not exempt us from the darkness. While we’re seeing the proverbial light at the end of the tunnel, I’m approaching it hesitantly…not allowing myself to feel comfort just yet.
One year ago today, my (very Irish) grandfather came to me in a dream and took me to the end of a rainbow…it helped make the road ahead feel safer, despite the uncertainty. I’ll never forget those feelings – equal parts wonder and fear. Perhaps that mixture isn’t a recipe to hide from, but one to embrace. Stepping into a new chapter with such a cocktail of emotion requires courage, but that bravery is usually rewarded with amazing and unexpected results (we’ve been down this road before). On our last visit to our new home, we spotted a triple rainbow reflection on the bathroom counter. Call it coincidence, call it the luck of the Irish…call it a sign. I followed a rainbow into the woods, so I’ll follow one out too.