Snow days are the best days…especially in our family! I’ve been quiet here on the blog (although active on social), as we’ve been savoring the season. I grew up in the Northeast and so many of my childhood memories are connected to the fluffy white stuff that falls from the sky and turns the world into a magical wonderland. My parents used to have to literally drag me inside after hours in the snow with a chapped face, nearly blue lips, and snow-filled boots. After a few decent winter storms, the “big one” came along a few weeks ago here in the Poconos, and gifted us with over thirty inches (yes, 30″). It started the day before and then got super heavy overnight…we woke up in Narnia and it was breathtakingly beautiful…

The first image is looking towards the neighbors house as soon as the sun came up. The trees were weighted down, and the terrain was blanketed in white. We got out in it as soon as we could, and went for a walk through the (mostly untouched) neighborhood first. It was easier to walk there because the plow had made a pass or two – stepping into unplowed territory meant you were up to your waist! Our cars are there in the driveway, somewhere. It’s a good thing we have nowhere to go these days…it makes the snow that much more enjoyable. We just took our time savoring it, knowing that it was probably the best snow we’d get all season (which has remained accurate). Miraculously, we never lost power!

Snow has the power to turn me into an eight-year-old again, so I was giggling, climbing and playing along with the kids (albeit much more slowly…and boy did I feel it a day later…hello forties). While we had to mostly carry Winni (she’s too small to push through 30″ of snow), she climbed up to the top of the mound on her own! I’m so glad my husband captured that moment. One of these days we’ll get an updated family portrait…le sigh. Also…can we take a moment to appreciate how much of a boss Marie is in that photo?! Hashtag snow bunny boss. We all lost track of time in the best way, and after exhausting ourselves in the front yard we decided to make the trek down to the (frozen) lake.

Oh you know…just lounging in the snow and going for a swim, as one does in fresh powder. There were a few moments where we lost sight of the kids as they were so buried! I have to say, from a photography standpoint – the snow makes for a perfect cushion when I need to get low for a shot. Built-in padding so I can do what is required, although editing snow images is quite the challenge. I still can’t believe we got so much, but there’s still a good bit of it on the ground right now so the memory is fresh. We haven’t had any kind of massive melt…yet. Spring is most definitely on it’s way, and the temperature continues to increase daily. We will never get enough of the snow to be honest….mountain life has suited us well. Mama nay, thank you for these memories!! We’ve got some big changes ahead…more on that soon. xo, Susan