Ten years ago today I clicked publish on my first blog post! I’ve spent the last few weeks reflecting on the decade and the impact that this little corner of the internet has had on my life. What began (with a beret) as a creative outlet for my Francophilia and promotion for my design business has evolved to include my life, love, and journey through motherhood. When I started, I was twenty-nine…freshly married, having recently moved to a new state where I knew no one. Now I’m forty…still happily married, living in the same state, and a mother of twins (who are almost eight). Ten years later and it still fuels me, brings me joy, and satisfies my soul…I’ve discovered so much purpose through it.
I’m so thankful that the blogosphere welcomed me with open arms during a time when it was already quite saturated, which still amazes me to this day. I’m so very grateful for friendships forged online…some of my closest offline connections developed from there. On a professional level, my blog has afforded my family and I opportunities that probably wouldn’t have happened otherwise. In these ten years, I’ve taught myself photography, graphic design, and social media marketing, among other things. I am very proud of what I’ve achieved through my hard work and dedication, which has landed me at the doorstep of what is soon to be a huge (secret for now, sorry) career milestone!
So many of you have come along for the ride, from day one…I feel immense gratitude that you’ve stuck with me through the years. This space wouldn’t be what it is without you! Your love and support is palpable, and extends into @thefrancophiles community that I launched a few years ago. It’s such a treat to watch that grow! I thought it would be fun to share my top ten (personal) favorite posts…which has proved to be quite a challenge. I would love to know if you’ve had a favorite post, what you enjoy most about my blog, or what you’d like to see here going forward? Leave a comment and I’ll randomly select one person to receive a personalized goodie bag (I’ll leave the details below) as a thank you. I’m indebted to this community and appreciate you being here more than I can express…MERCI MILLE FOIS! xo, Susan
my personal paris | a very special christmas | things I’m afraid to tell you | henry et marie | paper + plans | it’s not enough | a day in paris with kids | hineni | on gratitude | pressing pause| through the lens |
DETAILS ON GIVEAWAY: leave a comment below to enter | one winner will be chosen randomly on MAY 27TH and contacted via email | please do not leave your email in the comments | bonne chance!
Dix ans! Félicitations 🥂✨
merci mille fois Melinda!
Congrats Susan! I have been following you for some time… 10 years is amazing! I can’t wait to see what adventures await you over the next 10.
thank you so much Sarah, I’m thankful for your readership! :)
Hello dear Susan. I’m a brand new reader of your blog. How fortuitous to have come on board when you opted to highlight your favorite posts. Reading through them has given me several snapshots of where you’ve been and what future posts might hold. You seem to be a sensitive soul. I’m struck by your courage to share your vulnerability with your community of readers. I look forward to hearing more about your insights, family, travails and successes. Congratulations on sticking with your blog all these years and best wishes moving forward.
hello and welcome (bienvenue) Marilyn! I am indeed a sensitive soul, and I appreciate you taking the time to read through some of my favorites. thank you for being here and for taking the time to comment!
I can’t believe I’ve been reading your thoughts for a decade! Congrats!
I can’t either, ha…thank you so much for being here all these years!
Toutes mes félicitations mon amie ! So thankful to you have your little corner of the francosphere to visit and check in on over this past decade. J’adore @thefrancophiles and stop often. All the best for the next 10 years! Bisous
merci mille fois Andi, I’m so thankful for your support all these years and love that we share a passion for French culture. gros bisous!
Susan! it’s a treat to be a reader of your blog and to know you personally. I always enjoy your personal take on topics. it’s vulnerable and powerful. of course, I always appreciate a round-up and your gift guides are among my favorites! keep doing you and congratulations!
what a lovely compliment, thank you Lindsey. I do enjoy putting the gift guides together…that’s high praise coming from you, as you have amazing taste! merci encore xo
Félicitations- 10 ans! I think I’ve been with you the entire time. I always enjoy any posts with Henri et Marie! I can’t believe they are 8 ans maintenant!
thank you et merci Joy, that means so much to me. I can’t believe they’re almost eight either!! sending you love.
Discovered your blog through the Francophiles. As a reader, I always look forward to your stories. I resonate with your passion for everything French! Bring on the champagne, I look forward to finding out about your next career milestone!!
love that Shelley..welcome et bienvenue! thank you for your support – I can’t wait to share more soon. ;)
GIVEAWAY UPDATE: the winner has been contacted via email, thank you all for your participation and kind wishes!