We just returned from a lovely long break in the Poconos, and mama nay made our winter wishes come true with the gift of a magical snowfall + frozen lake during our stay! Since we’ve had a mild season (hardly any snow) in our neck of the woods, we headed north to find some – thankfully this trip had been planned since last year. We got our fix of winter fun (and then some)…and stayed super cozy thanks to good friends of ours lending us their lake house. If you follow me on Instagram then you know a little bit about our trip (although I stayed mostly unplugged). It was truly a vacation-—pages replaced screens, the fire stayed stoked, and hardly anything was planned except for rest and relaxation.

This was our first time walking on a frozen lake, and wow – it felt like another planet. We knew it was safe because the community posts a green flag at the clubhouse (plus they shared a video of a Bobcat doing wheelies on the ice). Even so, when you step onto it you have this moment of panic (or at least, we did, since it was our first time). Once you realize you’re on solid ground then you’re able to focus on the wonder of it all. We had so much fun out there, and had to drag the kids inside for dinner. I had the thought that it might become a core memory for them, and I truly hope it did.

Winni loved the snow (more evidence that she was meant for us and vice versa) and frolicked around in it with glee! We have so many new favorite photos of her, dusted with snow. I can’t help but reminisce about this favorite image of Billy (who did not like the snow, lol). While we spent a lot of time outdoors, it was tempting to stay cozy by the fire all day (and we did just that, on one or two occasions). All five of us cuddled up on the sofa, played board games, and listened to the comfortable crackle of wood. The moment with the kids on the stairs was an organic one that I treasure – I looked over to see them sitting on the stairs looking at the snow and chatting. A glorious light beam hit right at that moment, and I dove for my camera. Locking moments like those in time singlehandedly maintains my photography obsession.

One of the few things we did plan was an afternoon of snow tubing at Camelback, which is only fifteen minutes away from where we stayed! First of all, I have to call out my terrible photoshop job of merging two images below (it makes me LOL). Can you tell which one? Hint: the kids look like they were cut + pasted into the image. After using all my self-taught skills I ended up just deciding to leave it as is, figuring it might give someone else a good laugh too. Anyway…we had SO much fun, and if you missed the hilarity live in Stories you can find it towards the end of this highlight (along with some frozen lake footage). It was a blast, and we can’t wait to do it again! Next year we also hope the kids (and I) can learn to ski…gulp.

This was the stunning sunrise that we were gifted on our last morning. Needless to say, it was hard to say goodbye. However, knowing we’ll be back this summer (and hopefully again next winter) made it easier for us to leave. Being in nature is so very good for the soul, and we’re so thankful for such generous friends, the ability to work from anywhere (a little trickier for my husband but he worked it out), and the priceless quality time as a family.