I savor the simple treasures that Mother’s Day brings with it…the handmade cards, the extra hugs and kisses, and sure – French toast in bed doesn’t hurt either. This Mother’s Day weekend, I thought I’d share a few of my favorite posts with you. Some have been bookmarked since pregnancy, some only recently discovered. I’m always seeking inspiration, so please feel free to share a link (or two, or three) in the comments. Now let’s just pretend for a moment we have time to relax, enjoy our cup of coffee (or glass of wine), and read all these, shall we?! Seriously though, I wish you a weekend of whatever feels luxurious to you: going to the bathroom alone, a spa day, brunch with your family, a night alone in a hotel room with room service and Netflix (I’ll be watching this)…you name it. Whatever it is, you deserve it mama.
this poem and essay brought beautiful tears to my eyes…don’t shrink
what changes us – a thoughtful look at motherhood via one of my favorite female-focused blogs
a birth story of sorts – a moving essay on motherhood and adoption
breakfast in bed with a side of revolution, please: mother’s day reconsidered
the identity crisis of motherhood…(it doesn’t have to be a crisis)
for those that struggle with this holiday: mother’s day adjacent things to do this weekend
mom, maman, mamá: 13 stories of motherhood from around the world
a list + links to some of my favorite mamas to follow can be found here