birthday perspective



The surgeon called me on Friday. I had just dropped the kids off at school and figured he was calling to check on how my wound was healing (for those of you who follow me on Instagram, I shared a little bit about my recent excision in Stories). He asked if I was driving, and then he asked when I would be home—and then I knew. Although the next thirty minutes were a bit of a blur, my shaking hands managed to scribble the following random yet oh so heavy words on the back of my daughters girl scout sign-up form: pathology. sarcoma. rare. CANCER. I called my husband and he rushed home.

I was unsure if I should share this kind of news here, but then I realized…if this isn’t what community is for, what is? Tomorrow is my 39th birthday, and despite what you might be thinking, it will be a happy one. I feel good, despite this scary diagnosis. I don’t have any signs or symptoms, beyond the scar on my chest. I know how lucky I am, as this cancer is treatable (in most cases) and has a very high survival rate. To quote one of my kids’ favorite movies…”yesterday is history, tomorrow is a mystery, but today is a gift – that’s why it’s called the present.” – Master Oogway

Thank you in advance for your support –  I promise to share more as it unfolds, as much is still unknown. For now, I’m going to love my family a little harder, live life a little fuller, and eat an obscene amount of birthday cake. Ok that’s not the truth, it just sounded great – I’ve actually been eating keto for almost a year now and have never felt better. Oh, the irony.

P.S. you’ll find more information on my type of cancer here + a health update here


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