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I’ve been a bit secretive and quiet on social lately, but I can finally share some news with you! A few months ago, I took on a very exciting interior design project – a dream job. Many of you may not be familiar with my design work, as I don’t share that aspect of my life here as much, but I’m hoping to change that. I’ve been in the business for 20 (gasp) years now and branched out on my own in 2007. It’s been a wild ten years of entrepreneurship, with many ebbs and flows, but I’m so very grateful to be making a living doing what I love. This project came along at just the right moment, as the kids have finally reached their school years, and I have a bit more time on my hands (emphasis on a bit). Designing an entire home, especially one as grand as this, is a challenge that I readily embrace, and look forward to sharing with you.

Having lived in Pennsylvania for seven years now, I’ve become deeply enamored with the history, art, and architecture of this region. I’ve walked in Wyeth’s footsteps, toured historic homes, and attended quite a few preservation fairs. Designing a stone farmhouse has been on my interiors bucket list longer than I can remember, and this home checks that box in a big way. Adding to my delight is the fact that I had the honor of helping my (amazing) clients select the Okie-inspired home. As a designer and proud Pennsylvanian, I have a great admiration for architect Brognard Okie’s work, and this home was meticulously designed and built to capture the spirit and character of his renowned properties. I can’t wait to infuse this incredible space with a modern edge, while respecting and maintaining it’s historic charm. More to come!


    • I’m so excited to have this opportunity (and such amazing clients)…thank you Angie! xoxo

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