it’s not enough.


My husband took this photo of my daughter and I, both very purposefully wearing white, right before heading to the polls to vote for the first female Presidential candidate. I am very aware that sentence alone speaks volumes about how far women have come in history. It’s not enough. Despite always being a feminist, I never truly understood or embraced it’s importance–until now. My heart is broken for my daughter, for women worldwide, and for our country as a whole. I went to bed crying on Tuesday, and woke up crying on Wednesday, feeling dread and uncertainty of how to explain the election results to my children. A strong percentage of America voted for a racist, xenophobic, misogynist. That can’t be sugarcoated. Let me be clear – this isn’t about our candidate losing – it’s about hate winning. This is so much bigger than politics. It’s about humanity. My tears have dried, I’m angry, and I’m taking action, starting…now.

Fighting for justice and freedom is in my blood. My father dedicated twenty years of his life to serving our great country, as did many other men – and women – in my family tree. Without their bravery I wouldn’t be writing this post. I’ve always gotten the feeling that my father wished I would have followed in his footsteps, and served. Well, your wish has finally been granted Dad, because I’m joining the ranks. I will fight with words, I will fight with love, but I will fight. I’ve always been focused on social justice – ever since first grade, when I wrote, directed, and starred in a play about Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. . I’ve actively stood up for what is right many times in my life, but unfortunately, I feel like I’ve never done enough. That feeling ends here.

In addition to the battles I will fight, I will raise children who refuse to tolerate anything less than equality and freedom, for ALL. I will raise a daughter who knows she is enough, that she is worthy, and I will be her voice until hers can be heard loud enough. The battle cries of women, and men, who demand better for our country, and for our children, can be heard loud and clear now. Thank you, Mr. Trump, for turning up the volume. I’ll conclude with a quote from an inspirational woman, Chimananda Ngozi Adichie – “Anger has a long history of bringing about positive change; but in addition to being angry, I’m also hopeful. Because I believe deeply in the ability of human beings to make and remake themselves for the better.” It’s not enough that we’re broken hearted. It’s not enough that we’re angry. I am pledging to do more, to be more…until it IS enough. If you’re with me, let me know below. Community has never been more important.


  1. Thank you for this, Susan. I love reading your thoughts and that you’re looking to what we can do in the future. It’s hard to stay positive about this but it’s good to focus in that direction, since otherwise there’s just a feeling of powerlessness. Based on advice I’ve been seeing and reading from people I respect, I’m starting with a monthly donation to Planned Parenthood and by buying a digital subscription to the Times to help support free press (as many are, their subscriptions have increased six-fold since the election!). It’s only small things but hopefully more ideas keep coming up.

    • thank you Jackie, yes taking action certainly helps us feel less powerless. we have so much more power than we think! I too have donated to Planned Parenthood, and great suggestion on the Times, thank you.

  2. Yes, Susan! I’m with you!!! Thank you for your thoughtful and inspirational words. I feel heartbroken and overwhelmed but I’m getting myself together, too.

    Here is a link to a Huffington Post article “…How To Make Sure Congress Hears You” in case it’s helpful.

    And John Oliver put out this list of organizations he says need help now more than ever: Planned Parenthood, the Center for Reproductive Rights, the National Resources Defense Council, the International Refugee Assistance Project, the NAACP Legal Defense Fund, the Trevor Project for LGBTQ youth and the Mexican-American Legal Defense and Educational Fund.

    Big hugs… here we go!

    • thank you so much Bradford! I’ll probably share all the links in another post – there are so many important ones. I just watched John Oliver last night (so good) and that is indeed an excellent list. on my to do list every day:
      (re: stephen bannon appointment)

      hugs to you my friend.

  3. Pingback: giving tuesday | Fleurishing

  4. Pingback: why i marched | Fleurishing

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