six year blogiversary!



I’m celebrating my SIX year blog anniversary!! The official date was three weeks ago, but you know…#life. I’ve also had my nose to the grindstone – I have big plans for this year, and promise to keep things exciting! I’m commemorating the occasion with a look back at some of my favorite posts. It’s fun (and occasionally cringe-inducing) to look back through the archives…for me, it all began with a beret! This collage of images represents some of my favorite posts, and the press and collaborations I’m most proud of. I had no idea what would become of this space six years ago, but I’m oh so grateful for it’s growth and success, and the friendships I’ve developed in the process. I still enjoy it immensely, and it (almost) never feels like work. Thank you, as always, for joining me here  – a huge MERCI to each and every one of you.

my top six favorite posts

a day in parispaper + plans | the new fleurishing | henry et marie | things I’m afraid to tell you | my personal paris


  1. These are all beautiful posts and some I hadn’t read yet so it was nice to get to know you a little more!! Happy Blog Anniversary!! Wishing you all the best this coming year.


  2. Keep up the great work Susan, I’ve been a follower for years now and still keep coming back for more. Happy anniversary!

  3. happy anniversary, Susan!! congrats on such a lovely corner <3 is that b+w photo you?? ohmigoodness..i see the kids in your face! so cute!

    • thank you so much Annie…and yep, that’s me! Marie is my twin, same for Henry + Parker – we cloned ourselves (lol, kinda freaky)! so thankful for this community, and friends like you! xo

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