


Three. Our babies are three. As you can imagine, I’m feeling very emotional about it…they are growing up way too fast. With our lives still very much a beautiful chaos, it was important for me to make time to capture this milestone on camera. Before the cake, before the birthday festivities (next weekend)…just some time together, along with my lens.








My sweet, loving, handsome little man Henry. He amazes me with his thoughtfulness on a daily basis (just like his daddy). He can be quite pensive at times, but once you get him going he is a big silly cheese ball. His laugh is contagious, and he loves to be tickled, cuddled, smooched and smothered. He is a mommy’s boy in every way – no complaints here, I revel in it. He is always attentive to the needs of others, especially his beloved sissy. Their bond is beautiful + unbreakable.






Marie is smart as a whip, a leader, and the life of the party. She is vivacious and spunky, although cautious and contemplative when given a challenge. Her creative side continues to blossom – she loves to color, paint, listen to music, and dance. She’s an old soul, and comprehends things beyond her years…she also loves to teach (and direct) her younger (by two minutes) brother. Her beauty shines, inside and out – in fact, she sparkles.

happy birthday little ones!


  1. Happy birthday to the dashing duo! Can’t believe it’s been three years – they’re turning into wonderful little people. Bon anniversaire to les petits!

  2. ahh! i feel like we just were celebrating #1! happiest of birthdays to your two little bugs! to echo lindsey, they truly are beautiful little people inside and out… just like their parents! you are one of my absolute favorite families in the whole world! xoxo

    • seriously Angie…it goes by too quickly! thank you so much – that is so kind of you to say, about us all! xoxo

  3. Your comments are perfect. They are JUST as you say!
    Happy Birthday to my favorite duo! Love you all.

    • thank you so much Kayla – it’s an awesome (albeit challenging) age!

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