paper + plans



So…we’re selling our house. Writing those words for public consumption makes it real, and I need that acceptance. It’s an idea my husband and I have debated for about two years now, but we’ve finally put the wheels into motion. The decision to move wasn’t an easy one, but it makes the most sense for where we are in our life right now, and where we want to be. Ultimately, it’s about freedom. Freedom from (too many) possessions, a mortgage, and a property that needs maintenance and care (as with any home). Freedom to say yes and pack our things if/when we get the chance to move abroad. Freedom to roam, to travel – to make more priceless memories with the kids. We’ve had a taste of it, and we’re hungry for more.

As you can imagine, I’ve been a bit stressed and emotional lately – even though I’m excited for what lies ahead, I’m emotionally attached to this house. We’ll be leaving the only home our kids have known. This house was the first one Parker and I chose together, and poured our heart and souls into. It’s the last place I heard the pitter patter of Billy’s feet. We’ve lived a lot of life here, and have filled these walls with love and laughter. But you know what? We’re going to do that wherever we are. Change as huge as this can be intimidating (and let’s be honest – scary, at times), but this is where growth happens. Our new space will be smaller, but our life will be so much bigger. Adventure lies beyond the paper.


  1. Change as huge as this is definitely scary but as it sounds like you know, it’s such a real, important thing that’s incredible valuable for personal growth. As someone who’s on the other side of your experience (in the process of moving home to the States after living abroad, and aching for a mortgage and stability), I can say whatever you guys end up doing will be massive and crazy and also incredibly awesome and important for you and your family. Cheersing you with a glass of wine and a different mountain of paperwork from across the pond!

    • absolutely Robin…interesting hearing your perspective – how lucky you are to have had that experience! I yearn for it, and know it would broaden the kids horizons so much. thanks for your support, and I wish you the same!

      • And you’ll get there! It may take some time, but you will. Wishing you guys all the best!

    • ha, not sure if that’s good or bad Sarah – and yes, staying local (for now).

        • we love our home Sarah but hope to travel more + live abroad soon, so we’re taking the necessary steps to make that happen. ;)

  2. Wow! Such exciting news! I was waiting for the “And we decided our next home will be in Paris.” ;) I agree that the weight of so many possessions can be burdensome, which is part of the reason I left NYC to travel for a year. Minimalism is so freeing! The riches of life are our experiences. Good luck with the next chapter!

    • yes Kasia – I wish I could say that!! hope to in the next few years – that is the end goal (or anywhere in Europe, for that matter). we would just love the chance to experience that, as you know. when we downsized moving from SC to PA it was SO incredibly freeing – I’m looking forward to that again! xo

  3. Susan, this is exciting!
    It will be hard to leave the home but you’ll still have all the documentation and photos to remember it. I barely remember the house I was your twinsies age in in Chicago — we moved to Colorado when I was 3. From there we lived in easily 5 houses. What I liked most is how my mom was able to make each house just as homey as the one we were leaving. Having too much stuff can be a burden, but it’s important to keep the minimum to make your house a home and so your kiddies will see the constant things.
    I can’t wait to hear more about your adventures and see how you’ll decorate your new nest!! Bisous.

    • thank you Meg! they will have so many photos and ways to remember this house…it has been a special place. I will absolutely be making our new place (and any place thereafter) as homey as possible, of course! decorating a new space is the best part. bisous!

  4. This is amazing. You are amazing. Too often we fall into the pattern of sticking around for comfort and fear of change. You and Mr. Fleurishing are the prime examples of knowing where you want to be and taking the steps necessary to get there, despite the uncertainty. It is so admirable and inspiring. I can’t wait to see where this journey takes you ♡

    • thank you so much Megan, I’m touched by your words + support. xo

  5. Congratulations! I’m sure this is a huge and stressful thing, but I’m so excited for you guys. Also, super impressed. Honestly. I’m way too much of a chicken to take that leap. You guys are rock stars in my book. xoxo

    • yes, huge + stressful are good words to describe it all Jen – thank you so much for your kind words and support. xoxo

  6. Good luck and your audience can.not.wait to hear what’s next! You are home whenever you are with the Mr. and the littles.

  7. Go Hutchinsons!!! This reminds me of an article I read about having ‘enough’ and what is ‘enough’ in the different stages of our life. Seems like you are whittling down to what that means for your family… such a wonderful thing! So excited for you guys – we’re here for you so just say the word if you need help with the packing/moving! xoxo

    • absolutely Angie – “enough” is different for everyone of course, but we are looking forward to living smaller + experiencing bigger! thank you! xoxo

  8. this makes me incredibly happy and excited for your future! can’t wait to see whats in store!

  9. Pingback: french is beautiful | Fleurishing

  10. Hmm. That is sad news to lose a local blogging ‘neighbor’, but good news for you making an exciting change. We are at the beginning of of our own release of possessions. We need to do a bunch to our house to get it ready to sell. We are in the SW quadrant of the Borough and love it and love our neighbors; but we are just not as motivated as we used to be to spend time and money on all the upkeep. Good luck to you! Your WC ‘neighbor’. :)

    • we’ll still be local (for now) Erinn, and thank you for your kind words! living with less is so refreshing – good luck to you as well! :)

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  15. Pingback: we’re moving! | Fleurishing

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