merci paris



For a memorable shopping experience in Paris, you simply must visit Merci in the Haut-Marais. From the moment you enter the courtyard, their trademark red fiat creates a cheery + modern atmosphere. The concept store opened in 2009, brought to you by the founders of my favorite French children’s label, Bonpoint. Merging design, fashion, dining, and incredible art installations under one roof is no easy feat, but they pull it off effortlessly. The best part–their net income is donated to socially disadvantaged children in Madagascar. A design mecca with a philanthropic vocation? Yes please!


The lofty home furnishings section of the store makes my heart go pitter patter. I could have spent days devouring every item. From design classics to avant-garde conversation pieces, there is something for everyone. I wanted to buy sheets in every color of their delicious linen. While most of it is beyond the reach of my wallet, I didn’t leave without a few affordable souvenirs (I recommend the postcards, illustrated maps, and stationary items).  Of course, their online store (launched in 2013), ships to the states! Don’t miss grabbing a bite at one of the three cafés in their space…my personal favorite is the used book café, with a cozy + comfortable vibe. I still think about the dippy egg dish and rose lemonade I had, along with the delightful company of my friend Amy. My mouth is watering just looking at this photo.



Each visit is unique, thanks to their frequent floor moves and artist installations. The red fiat changes seasonally as well, and is always a fun surprise. You never know what you’ll see, from holiday decor, to boats, to a giant wig! If you’d like to see more photos, head over to steller for my latest story, and be sure to add Merci to your next Paris itinerary!


Merci | 111 boulevard Beaumarchais 75003 Paris


  1. These pictures are absolutely beautiful! I’ve seen the Merci car on Instagram but it’s so nice to see more. I’d love to know what camera you use? I’m looking to upgrade and your photographs are so gorgeous.

  2. I want to go to there….
    Love everything, especially the Merci car and chair displays! Great stellar recap too :)

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