remembering billy

“When you are sorrowful, look again in your heart, and you shall see that in truth…

you are weeping for that which has been your delight.”

Kahlil Gibran


Exactly one month has passed since I lost my furry soulmate. It is very surreal…I feel as if I will still be processing his death for some time. I see him everywhere-at the foot of the bed, at the bottom of the stairs, in his poof, in the stroller with the kids…always by my side. For twelve years, he was my constant companion, my heart. That part of my heart went with him…and so I mourn the void. I am sorrowful for the days that were taken from us, yet forever grateful for the days that we were given. Each and every one was a gift. It was him that, at the age of twenty-three, made me a mommy. He saw me through very difficult times in my life, providing great comfort and unconditional love, always. I secretly always hoped he would be with me until I had children- the grief would be so much heavier without Marie + Henry’s laughter and youthful innocence. They miss him – even at such a young age they know…I’m so very thankful they knew and loved him. The quote above gives me strength, as it is so very true. He was my delight, our delight, and will never be forgotten.


  1. Oh Susan I lost my sister doggie when I was 25 years old. We had her since I was 14 and I still miss her. When I’m at my Mom’s I can still her her pitter patter on the hardwood and the corner where her bed used to be always seems so empty even though Mom put a beautiful indoor plant there.
    I don’t know just wanted you to know you are not alone.
    And the 4th pic on the top left is just too much! I could eat him up!

    • wow…even all the years later you still see/hear her. so sweet…thank you for sharing + for your support. yes I love that pic too…I did eat him up!! xo

  2. Such a sweet collage of him… but then he never took a bad photo :)

    Sending hugs today – love you!

  3. I feel for you so much. Rocky passed away over two months ago now and I still have days where I just feel completely overwhelmed by his absence. I’m so glad we had our sweet dogs for as long as we did, and that we have plenty of pictures and wonderful memories, and that love that will never go away. Hugs to you xx

    • I’m so sorry for your loss Megan, and yes thankful for the photos and memories that will last forever. Hugs back, xo.

  4. He looks like such a little sweetie!! You must miss him so much and my heart really goes out to you. A dog is truly a member of your family.

  5. I loved him, too, and was heartbroken to read of his passing. He was a super special guy.

    • thank you Jane…you knew him well. sending love to you + your furry ones.

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