proust q & a…happy interior blog



I’m returning to featuring my favorite bloggers and fellow francophiles via the Proust Questionnaire, and I can’t imagine a happier start than Igor Josifovic! A worldly chap who delights in sharing his travels and inspirations, he has made the popular Happy Interior Blog a digital home for all things happy. – it will surely inspire your home decoration! Currently based in Munich, his posts reflect his cultured background and adventures, and I enjoy following along. He often finds himself in Paris, bien sur…which I take vicarious pleasure in. I hope you enjoy learning more about him…danke Igor!


Your favourite virtue.

Optimism. The ability to see the good things and the bright moments in life. And then ponder the difficult bits. Not the other way round.

Your favourite colour and flower.

Blue like the Aegean Sea. As for flowers, I love playful ranunculus. 

Your idea of happiness.

When you start your day with a smile and just want to dance along. Having a lovely family, a caring partner and the best bunch of friends on the planet.

Your favourite qualities in friends.

Straightforwardness, honesty, people who are passionate, can laugh and love.

Your idea of misery.

Living a life you don’t want to live.

Your favourite food & drink.

The fig baguette from the ‘boulangerie du quartier’ in Belleville, Paris. And a glass of my favorite red wine ‘Castillo de Sajazarra’ from the Rioja region in Spain.

Where would you like to live?

Paris. Oh oui, Paris.

Your biggest flaw.

I’m a morning grouch. I can’t help it-early mornings freak me out.

Your chief characteristic.

I’d say my happy spirit.

Your favourite occupation.

Scouting inspiration and blogging about it.


 **the proust q & a is a regular feature..check out the archives here** 


happy fourth!



Wishing you all a happy holiday week…we are almost unaware of the event as we are awaiting the babies arrival! Time is passing at a snails pace these days, although yesterday we had a false alarm at the hospital which was both stressful & exciting. My body is telling me it could be soon, and we’re ready! I’ll be back on Friday with a new Proust Q & A featuring a fellow Francophile…stay tuned!