henry et marie


Our world became even more beautiful on Friday when we welcomed our twins into the world. They arrived after 6 PM on the 13th, which was special since it’s my father’s birthday (Henry’s namesake), and it was Bastille Day in France! The names we chose have great significance…Henry Clifton after both of our fathers, and Marie Kathleen after our mothers. We are euphoric, exhausted, and madly in love. Thank you all SO much for the love and support, we are truly touched. I apologize in advance for the onslaught of baby photos to come…but something tells me you all won’t mind. 

 many thanks to the lovely ladies of curious & co. for this beautiful design



  1. UH…dorable!! So over the moon happy for both of you! Especially special that they were born on Bastille Day, as you know. Very nice it is your dad’s day as well. Love you both! XO

  2. PS They both have actors names! Get ready for aunt Joni to get them in the biz!

  3. What an appealing way to tell the world of your new loves. Making me a grandmother, makes me very happy!

  4. Congratulations! How special for them to have their grandparents’ names, and they’re such beautiful ones, too!

  5. I am so excited for you and your family! Your life is about to change in a very good, different way. Thanks for sharing this special moment in your life with your readers! How appropriate they were born on Bastille Day :)

  6. This made me all choked up! CONGRATS!!!!!! I can’t wait to ‘meet’ them! My mom’s name is Marie and I always thought it was a perfectly femme and Frenchie name:) AND Henry, I adore, so masculine. Here’s a cheers to you, your husband and a gros bisous to the twins!!!!



  7. In My family which comes from Brittany (the west part of France) most of the girls have “Marie” as first name , for me it’s Dominique (1st), Michelle (2nd) and Anne-Marie (third. All Marie(s) are cousins!!

  8. i can’t believe i’m just now telling you this… but henry and marie are the most dignified little twin names i ever heard. scholars i tell ya!

  9. Bienvenue a ces deux petits bouts de chou et félicitations aux parents! Naître le jour de la Fête Nationale française et porter des noms de Roi et de Reine, on ne peut pas faire mieux. Longue et Belle vie à ces petits! Bernard

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