packed + ready…


You never know when the time will come with twins…and so we have had to prepare in advance. It also helps to alleviate any last minute stress. Our hospital bags are packed (see my nesting blog post), and this simple outfit is what both of the babies will be wearing home. We are so ready to meet them!


  1. I remember the packing and waiting – and being so pregnant in the swelter of August that I was just ready to give birth, rather than having the time to be nervous. I’ve been following along on your journey – and while I haven’t commented before, I’m excited for you! They’ll be here before you know it!

  2. Thanks Suzonne…and nice to “see” you here! I am very ready, that’s for sure. Just trying to hold out as long as I can! ;)

  3. I can’t believe you’re so close to the end – it feels like yesterday you were telling me about the pregnancy! We ALL can’t wait to meet them!

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