a very special christmas!!


We cannot contain our excitement…we are expecting!!! It is something we have been wishing and planning for, and it is still hard to believe it has come true. After much thought we’ve decided to share it publicly before the “safe” point of the second trimester. We had an ultrasound, and saw (and heard) the strong heartbeat…S! Yes, that is an S, as in PLURAL. As in TWINS!! As in, WHOA. We were SO surprised, as it does not run in the family and we conceived naturally, but we aren’t complaining! We will be sharing our journey…les bébés are due in the summer, and we WILL be finding out the genders! Needless to say, this Christmas has been such a special one, and we are so very thankful.

2012 is going to be epic!

(billy is very excited to be a big brother!) 


  1. Awwww! Congrats to you both! That’s wonderful news! What an amazing 2012 you have ahead of you!

  2. ahhhh! I just squealed out loud as I read this! congratulations! what a wonderful surprise to have 2 little blessings (and what a wonderful Christmas present!) so so so happy for your growing family! xoxoxo

  3. Susan!!! This is MOST exciting!! Congrats to you & Parker! We will have to get together soon & celebrate! :) Xoxo

  4. Oh my gosh!! Congratulations, to you both…and to both of those babies coming your way!

  5. Congrats!!! Just saw your link on facebook. Twins run in our family as well (tons!), and they are wonderful. What a blessing. Hope you are feeling well! – Nichole

  6. I’m dying with excitement over here! Seriously, one would think you’re my sister or best girlfriend with how excited I feel for you. Can I buy your babies their first board books? ;-)

    So many congratulations, my dear friend. I can’t wait to meet these chic french bebes!

  7. Thank you so much Nichole…twins do not run in our family, but I guess they do now, ha! It is a huge blessing…been feeling quite sick as you can imagine (double the symptoms) but am so happy! :)

  8. Oh my goodness!!! Yay!!!! That is such exciting news!! Congratulations to you both, and Billy too!!! I hope you have a happy and healthy nine months, can’t wait to hear more about the little munchkins =)

    As a side note, I’m totally jealous, I’ve always wanted to have twins, so much fun!!

  9. Thank you Em! It’s funny…a few people have said that about wanting twins. I never would have but now that I’ve got my mind around it I love the idea!! xo

  10. Susan, I am so happy for you both! Even though we have not met in person (yet), I treasure our “blogging friendship” and I could not be more excited for you in this next chapter of your lives together. xo

    I am a twin so I know for a fact (via mom’s photos and the works) that you will have a field day with dressing ’em up and showing ’em off to the public!! Twin power! A double doo-doo.
    That is so wonderful, and what perfect timing for Christmas.
    Félicitations, and all of my warmest wishes for the holidays!

  12. Overwhelmed with joy for you right now. No one could be more deserving than you and you are going to just make the most incredible Mama! Congratulations sweet lady!

  13. Double congratulations to you and your hubby Susan! You will be wonderful, warm and loving parents!

    All the best in 2012! The year of the twins :)

  14. OH Susan this is amazing news! I am so over the moon excited for you two and soon to be four + Billy!!!!!

    Lots and lots of love and hugs!


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