my personal paris



I had an amazing, life-changing realization while in Paris, and I hope I can articulate it properly. It was my third time there, and the number three holds much significance to my husband and I, so that was, I feel, a sign in itself. I grew up dreaming of France, and Paris, and it is has always held a distinct place in my heart and in my mind. I always arrive with renewed child-like wonder, and leave in tears wondering when I will (if ever) see it again. I do not take for granted the fact that I have been multiple times…I am one lucky girl, and I know it! However, something else happened to me this time.

Paris had lost a little bit of it’s sparkle. I know…shocking, especially coming from me. At first it was upsetting to me – I did not (and don’t ever) want to lose my adoration for the city, the French people, and for the culture. The good news is that I have not…but I realized why some of the magic was gone. I finally had found that magic within…in my life, in my love. I no longer needed to cling to the fantasy of what Paris represented to me…I now had it in my heart, and in my soul. True happiness and fulfillment is a new feeling for me. I now have my very own, personal–Paris.

this is my (public) valentine to mr. fleurishing…je t’aime beaucoup hubby.


  1. So LOVE this picture! Life (God) has an amazing way of giving us things we never thought we deserved…You deserve it my friend! Have a lovely Valentine’s Day with your handsome hubs and cute Billy. HUGS!

  2. Lindsey, merci…wishing you the same with Mr. Cheeseland!

    Thanks so much Michelle, Cailin, & Shea!

    Amy…so true, and thank you so much. Have a wonderful day with your gorgeous & lovely family!!

  3. Having “paris” within is amazing Kristen, nice to “see” you here! :)

    Kayla, you are the sweetest & I hope your Valentine’s Day was amazing! xo

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