bon weekend



Hello friends! This is the result of playing with the new party party app…not much partying happening here, but the app is fun! That was my actual first attempt…hashtag silly selfie (for the record, I hardly ever do selfies). I’m busy working on a site update…I can’t reveal everything just yet but it’s something I’m pretty excited about! I’m hoping to share it very soon, fingers crossed. I must get away from my desk and spend some time outdoors this weekend…this polar vortex is my jam. Summer temps that feel more like spring? YES PLEASE. I shall leave you with some links for your weekend enjoyment…


letting go

midsummer playlist

brush up on your french

jaw-dropping before + afters

bon weekend + announcement!


illustration by Sara Selepouchin for Dîner en Blanc Philadelphia

The Dîner en Blanc season has begun, and I cannot contain my excitement! Photos are emerging from the main event in Paris last night, and as usual, the vision of around 13,000 revelers in white is stunning. With the date set for the Philadelphia event in August, the anticipation is building, and I’m in the throws of planning. In addition, I have a very exciting announcement! I’m partnering with local haven Terrain for a special Dîner en Blanc garden party, where I’ll be sharing my tips for summer entertaining, a la française! There will be Lillet drinking + pétanque playing, all in the beautiful gardens of Terrain…you won’t want to miss it – make your reservation here. I hope to see you there…but in the meantime, here are some entertaining-themed links for your weekend reading…


piñata anatomy

 the kombucha cocktail

diy hanging floral chandelier

entertaining tips from questlove

bon weekend



We’re having such gorgeous spring weather here in Pennsylvania that most of our week has been spent outdoors…I hope it’s lovely where you are! I still have so much to share from my trip to France (I don’t want to overwhelm you with all of it at once) so I’ll be sharing more soon! In the meantime, my friend Ashley wrote a lovely post about meeting each other, and our time together in Paris. It is so special to connect in person with friends you’ve known online for years, isn’t it? This community of ours is really special, which (to slyly segue) also happens to be the message I love most from the American Blogger film. Yes, I watched it. There is a lot of controversy surrounding it (some I agree with, some I don’t), but what I do know is that I like the big picture message director Christopher Wiegand focused on. As bloggers, sharing our lives publicly, we constantly make ourselves vulnerable to intense criticism (and praise), but in doing so we are building a community, forging new friendships, and trying to better understand and interpret life. Whether or not you do so publicly, that’s really what we’re all here for, don’t you think? If you’ve seen the film I’d love to hear your thoughts (you really can’t judge it from the trailer alone). Here’s a link to it, along with a few other links for your weekend…


american blogger

apps that make you wiser

this video makes me miss the French countryside

biz ladies: top 3 questions to ask when planning your website


bon weekend



Happy friday friends! I’m still trying to catch-up on work after my trip (feeling a bit overwhelmed to be honest), but want to leave you with some inspiration for your weekend. Despite the minimal spare time I’ve had this week, I’ve come come across some fascinating reads I’d like to share. As you may have guessed by the image, they are all Paris related…


a walk in paris 

best places to dine solo in paris

the paris plan-15 rules for living in a city of light

friendship in paris (plus a sneak peek of the brunch I hosted) 

happy 125th anniversary lady eiffel (you can see a hint of her in the photo)