

 “A portrait of my children, once a week, every week, in 2014.”

What a week…what started out as a beautiful snowfall turned into a scary ice storm, leaving our area crippled. We’re on day three without power-thankfully my parents live close-by and have taken us in. Before the badness, we were able to get out and enjoy the snow with the kids, and finally put the twin sleds to use. I love this shot–they’re so synchronized! Henry doesn’t enjoy the snow as much as Marie (the girl cannot stop eating it), but we finally got a smile out of him!

post inspiration

paleo love



Is it really February?! It’s been a while since I first shared my interest in becoming a cave girl, and I owe you an update. After struggling a bit through the holidays, I hit the ground running in January (after the flu gave me a jumpstart-silver lining). I’ve been eating clean, working out, losing weight…feeling good. My pain has diminished, and I wake up with excitement for the day, even in the depths of winter. Keeping up with twin toddlers is no joke-I’m thankful for the extra energy. In trying to get creative with meals, I’m discovering many healthy, delicious foods + recipes, and I created a pinterest page dedicated to all things paleo…check it out! If you’re focused on eating whole, what are your favorites?

 image source + recipe