henry et marie


Our world became even more beautiful on Friday when we welcomed our twins into the world. They arrived after 6 PM on the 13th, which was special since it’s my father’s birthday (Henry’s namesake), and it was Bastille Day in France! The names we chose have great significance…Henry Clifton after both of our fathers, and Marie Kathleen after our mothers. We are euphoric, exhausted, and madly in love. Thank you all SO much for the love and support, we are truly touched. I apologize in advance for the onslaught of baby photos to come…but something tells me you all won’t mind. 

 many thanks to the lovely ladies of curious & co. for this beautiful design


bonne fête nationale!



Bastille Day is upon us, which I observe in honor of my French heritage and love for the country! I’m sure most of you that read my blog are aware of the history of this day, but just in case…here’s a brief synopsis. This is the second year I have not hosted a big Bastille bash, and it will have to wait another year considering my current state. I have a not so secret wish our children will be born this Saturday on the French holiday…who knows…c’est possible! 

Bonne Fête Nationale, et Vive la France!